How to host multiple portals in the same DotNetNuke installation

DotNetNuke series

19. How to host multiple portals in the same DotNetNuke installation

This tutorial assumes that you have already logged into the DotNetNuke admin area

The portal system in DotNetNuke is one of its most powerful features. It allows to create and host powered by fastdot websites under the same DNN installation

Let’s learn how to add and manage new DNN portals… scroll down

1) Scroll over Host

2) Click Portals option here

3) Click Add New Portal

Scroll down

4) Let’s fill in Portal Setup details

5) Choose the Child Portal Type

A Parent portal has its own unique domain name while a Child portal is a subset of a unique URL

6) Specify the Portal Alias here

7) Enter Portal Title and Description

Scroll down

8) Choose Portal Template

Scroll down

9) Start filling in the login details for the new portal

10) Then enter and confirm password

11) Then click Create Portal

That’s it! This is the admin area of the newly created DotNetNuke portal

You may switch portals through Host user…let’s go back to our Parent DNN portal now

We’re done! Remember that only a Host super user has full administration access to all of the parent and child portals

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add and manage new portals in DotNetNuke. Remember that you can host multiple websites with different content under the same DotNetNuke installation