Matt Brown is the Senior Director of Product on the Roblox Marketplace team. His role entails making sure people can find the clothing and accessories they need to customize their avatar, whether it’s the latest and greatest creations from the fashion entrepreneurs in our community or one of the many new Layered Clothing options now available on our platform. We spoke with Matt to learn more about his team and what he enjoys most about working at Roblox.
What does the Roblox Marketplace team do?
The Roblox Marketplace team is responsible for all of the content users can acquire for free or for Robux (our virtual currency) on the platform. We also oversee the tools, pipelines, analytics, etc. that enable content creators in our community to build successful businesses on Roblox.
What’s one of the most interesting aspects about working on your team?
Our job on the Roblox Marketplace team spans many different responsibilities and skill sets, so what’s most interesting to me is seeing how adaptable we need to be in our day-to-day work. I’m constantly amazed by how easily our engineers can seamlessly navigate the intricacies of everything from the UX for trading items to the math and logic behind third-party resales of community-made items. On the product side, we also get to wrangle those same systems and work directly with the creator community as they help to define our upcoming features.
How is your experience at Roblox different from other roles you’ve had?
I get a chance to interact directly with the community while also designing systems that can have a material positive impact on their lives at scale, whether that’s financial—through programs and systems that give them the opportunity to create businesses to support themselves—or by creating mechanisms that keep both creators and users safe from bad actors who are attempting to do the opposite.
What are some of the most impactful projects you’ve worked on at Roblox?
There have been several noteworthy projects over the years, but three immediately come to mind. I was part of the effort that brought non-blocky characters (i.e., “Rthro”) to the platform. This was especially significant since these characters broadened the possibilities of Roblox beyond the classic blocky aesthetic. Another project I got to work on was Layered Clothing. I was the Senior Director of Product for Avatar and Marketplace when we laid out the vision for Layered Clothing almost three years ago. We went through many iterations with a goal of providing this crazy new capability to users, while also doing everything we could to make sure all of the experiences and avatar customization the community has invested in prior continued to work as seamlessly as possible. And lastly, I enjoyed opening the 3D avatar marketplace to user-generated content, in particular because it changed the way I see community.
What’s one thing you love most about the company film culture here?
I love that we’re all heading in the same direction. I have never worked anywhere where it was so clear that everyone wants to create a place where anyone can be themselves no matter who they want to be or what they want to do.
Interested in joining the Product team at Roblox? We’re always looking for new talent, so check us out at corp.roblox.com/careers/ and see if there’s a role that’s right for you.